We Are Thankful


On this holiday, where we as a people gave our first real thanks, shared our hard obtained bounty with others who shared with us, and saw a future that allowed us to freely prosper and honor our God, The Prepper’s Daily hopes you are with family and friends, in the warmth of their company, breaking bread in love and friendship as people have since the beginnings of recorded history, be it a feast or a simple meal.

We hope that the true and traditional meaning of this original American holiday, now shared by other countries, will remain your foundation and that you will not be fooled or manipulated by the agenda-driven revisionists who see only dark and gloom in everything they survey. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Amy Richardson says that collaborating with The Prepper's Daily is only a logic step in her career. Formally trained in emergency and disaster management response with the American Red Cross, Amy wants to focus on educating the public on topics like natural living, homesteading, homeschooling and family preparedness. Even if she left the Red Cross, her goals remain the same: to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. The purpose of her contribution to the prepper world is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being. As simple as that.