The Prepper’s Daily News


Some of the latest news we found interesting enough.

Fallout Shelters

New York has begun removing the 1960s era fallout shelter signs strewn around the city. During the 1960s, at the height of the cold war, the signs were erected in places that had locations suitable for sheltering from nuclear fallout and had been stocked, at least somewhat, for a shortish stay as a refuge against nuclear disaster. The idea was if you were caught away from home, you only had to look for one of these signs to know you would be “safer”. Sadly, survivors would most likely find themselves rattling locked doors or breaking into laundry rooms or storage areas with no food or water stocks. Thanks to G.P. for the link.

North Korea

North Korea is working to build its first submarine capable of launching missiles. While one nuclear sub really isn’t worrisome to the U.S. and its allies, it continues the disturbing trend and the rapid pace that North Korea has of building their first-strike capability. The drums of war continue beating. This will obviously be used by the U.S. for another escalation in the verbal conflict.

National Biometric Database

Russia is planning a national biometric database for financial services starting next summer according to their central bank. While the bank says that the data would only be stored with the individuals consent, the country had to make changes to their laws to facilitate the move. Here in the U.S., we give this data away from free (i.e. facial recognition on your iPhone.) Moscow claims it has the largest centralized surveillance network in the world and it also uses facial recognition. Hmmmm, I wonder what could possibly go wrong here.

Redneck Revolt

The Independent spend the day on Long Island with members of this leftist group that claims it is arming working-class people so they can defend minorities. While this short video is just a synopsis of one such group, it does at least represent an improvement of their abilities. past articles and videos that we have seen have shown what basically amounted to a clown show of the ignorant people being led by ignorant people teaching things they didn’t even understand. While still not even close to high speed operators, they seem much more comfortable with their firearms. It’s a disturbing trend, but one that we see play out constantly in third-world countries. Thanks to P.S. for the link.

Inexpensive yet Formidable Field Knife

Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large, sent in these web pages on creating an inexpensive field knife and survival kit. In this case, the knife is a kukri, but the technique would work on others as well. The home made survival kit is a basic one, but low cost and will give you the ability to survive in the wilderness if you practice with the included items and know how to use them.

Silicon Valley Doomsday

Silicon Valley continues to work towards an automated future, but many fear that the resulting unemployment will cause deep unrest. This video profiles some area survivalists that are preparing themselves to live out this feared apocalypse in style, complete with bunkers, off-grid homes and guns.

Arrested for Catching Child Molesters.

A journalist that has lured out several high profile child molesters and then turned them over to police for arrest has now been arrested himself. The police are calling Rich Warner a vigilante, despite the fact that he turns his targets over to police and have charged him with aggravated assault and publishing the identity of a person charged with a sex offense. I guess it’s not socially healthy to be better at catching these perverts than the police are. Thanks to H.L. for the link.

Watch out. At the end of the day, you’re on your own.

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A former U.S. Army Intelligence officer Kevin is the co-founder and Senior Editor of The Prepper's Daily, covering news and political topics affecting our everyday life. Kevin retired from working for the government because he thinks the people need his help more. And because the worst is yet to come. Happily married and a proud father, he is dedicated to keeping them safe. Join Kevin in his attempt to educate us how to spot fake news, false flags, and especially, real threats. Kevin believes preppers are just aware of the high risk of a coming societal meltdown. Unlike most of the Americans. And it is only logical to prepare for the repercussions.