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Tag: uses

The Powers of the Lone Sock

It’s a mystery in many houses – where in tarnation do the odd socks go? In others, there’s people like me who have a...

How to Use Salt Besides Putting It in Your Food

When it comes to sprucing up a bland dinner or adding flavor to homemade pickles, there are few ingredients that can compare with good...

Why You Shouldn’t Throw These Things

As a homesteader or prepper, it’s important to recognize the value in trash. What’s that saying—one man’s trash is another man’s juice jug? Something...

Survival Tips for Your Bandanas

The bandana is an item that is on practically every list of recommended survival gear, and for good reason. It’s incredibly lightweight and has many...

Recipe – Apple Butter and Applesauce

My family loves this. I have a niece that all she asks for at Christmas is my apple butter. It is a little time...