How To Kill Mosquitoes

When mosquitoes become a problem, most people reach for time tested solutions. They spray themselves with chemicals, or they bundle up in long sleeve shirts and pants. They set up glue traps and electric fly zappers. Or perhaps they look for the source of the mosquitoes, such as nearby puddles of water, and remove them.

These are all effective solutions, but there’s another way that most people aren’t aware of. It’s a solution that appears to be more effective than any other by several orders of magnitude. Youtuber Dan Rojas recently unveiled his idea on a video, which shows you how to kill thousands of mosquitoes every night.

All this method takes is a large fan, a mesh screen, some rubbing alcohol, a few magnets, and a bottle of carbonated water. Basically, he leaves an industrial fan outside his home at night (which can cost between $100 and $300). He covers the fan with the screen and holds it in place with the magnets. The screen helps keep the fan in good shape, by preventing any bugs or debris from getting sucked in.

The bottle of carbonated water is opened and left near the fan. In case you’ve ever wondered how mosquitoes are attracted to mammals, it’s because they can detect the Co2 that we exhale, which is also what is slowly released from carbonated water. As the mosquitoes approach the water, they get sucked into the fan and pinned to the screen. After spraying them with rubbing alcohol they are quickly killed and can be discarded in your yard.

If you live in a region where the mosquitoes breed like mad, you’ll want to see this.

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Robert lives in Santa Fe. Colorado. It's where he continues to prep himself and others for what's to come. He teaches survival courses since 1985. After working as a consultant for various Survival Tv Shows, Robert decided to move his practice online and start collecting his stories and skill sets into preparedness lessons for real life emergency scenarios, and especially, for real people. His articles on bushcraft and outdoor skills have been published in national magazines and will be the subject of his next book: The Proper Prepper. When he is not doing that, Robert is happily working on his farm. Which is not only a hobby, but the way he chose to live his life.