How to Kill Flies On The Homestead


Flies every year are a big issue. They are annoying to both us and our animals. Plus they can spread disease and we are taking actions that will diminish their numbers in any way we can.

When you have animals always around the homestead such as livestock, chickens and others, you will have flies. It’s just that simple. We are not interested in chemicals and having tried some of the other fly traps in the past, we were looking for something a bit more substantial and with a proven method to reduce their numbers. Because, lets be honest. You’re never going to get rid of all of the flies. Your best hope is to make a large dent in the population.

After doing some research on other fly traps on the market, we found the Arbico Organics Solar Fly Trap. The reviews were phenomenal with buyers reporting huge amounts of captured flies and a very noticeable difference in fly populations. There were plenty of written and even video testimonials. The downside was the price. One trap will set you back $86 plus shipping.

That seems like a big price tag compared to the little fly trap bags you can buy in ChinaMart. However, unlike the bags, you can reuse these traps over and over every year. Plus, the captured and now dead flies can be used to feed back to your chickens should you have them. Free protein! So basically, you are buying a lifetime natural, chemical free fly trap that helps feed your chickens. We decided to order 2 plus some bait.

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His passion for everything that involved the outdoors, made Sam the fearless person he is today. Cofounder of The Prepper's Daily, Sam is a praised survival techniques specialist who never talks about something he didn't experience on his own. A husband, father, author, and Navy veteran, he is a walking, if not running, survival encyclopedia. After ending his contract with the military, Sam decided to use his knowledge for the greater good. His training in the field of military tactics and survival, make him one of our team's greatest assets. His topics cover the latest prepper tips on tools, gadgets and survival techniques. Want to learn How To survive anything that comes your way? Read Sam's articles.


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